Why We Do It
At Change My Heart, we believe each individual is of infinite worth no matter what mistakes they have made. We should know, we were addicts too. We believe through gaining new knowledge, practicing new skills, and relying on our higher power, we can overcome even the most difficult things in our lives. We believe that healing is possible through our higher power and that no matter how far we may think we have strayed, we are always worthy of love. Change My Heart is a 15-week educational peer program, designed to assist individuals, spouses, and families in overcoming the effects of addictions. Based on sound principles found in the 12 step program, current research, and the users preferred theology, this program will educate individuals and families on what addiction is, how they develop, and how principles of healing and recovery can be applied in real life.
You are not the first to look for help, come join the many others who have found help at ChangeMyHeart.com. We are helping to change lives and teach families how to grow closer and stronger in overcoming the perils of addiction. Through daily certified peer support, weekly peer coaching sessions, and specific daily enrichment activities, recovery metrics are tracked to provide higher accountability for higher success rates during the recovery and family support processes. Therapists, caseworkers, and peer recovery specialists work with all types of addictions, providing support for betrayal trauma, family support including parent and teen services. Clergy are strongly encouraged to become an integral part of the recovery team with free access to tracking tools.
$ 39per month
✓8 Metric Dashboard
✓Daily Modules
✓Free Clergy Access
✓Therapist Access
☓Daily Support
☓Daily Accountability
☓Peer Support Specialist
☓Weekly 1 on 1 Meeting
$ 29 *per week
✓8 Metric Dashboard
✓Daily Modules
✓Free Clergy Access
✓Therapist Access
✓Daily Support
✓Daily Accountability
✓Peer Support Specialist
☓Weekly 1 on 1 Meeting
$ 70 *per week
✓8 Metric Dashboard
✓Daily Modules
✓Free Clergy Access
✓Therapist Access
☓Daily Support
☓Daily Accountability
✓Peer Support Specialist
✓Weekly 1 on 1 Meeting
$ 99 *per week
✓8 Metric Dashboard
✓Daily Modules
✓Free Clergy Access
✓Therapist Access
✓Daily Support
✓Daily Accountability
✓Peer Support Specialist
✓Weekly 1 on 1 Meeting
*Discounted price when Clergy is linked to your account. Full cost without Clergy is $49 for Essential, $100 for Pro, $149 for Premium.

how we do it
How We Move the Needle AND Make A Difference
We combined all the evidence-based research on what really works for recovery and family support. These are proven methods that actually work. The best recovery programs are only thirty percent effective. That other seventy percent never gain long term sobriety. At Change My Heart we claim a ninety percent success rate on long term sobriety. This is not based on the total individuals that start the Change My Heart program, BUT it is based on those that actively participate in our recovery plan. Read more to see how we do it.
Peer Support with Daily Accountability
Studies are showing the awesome benefits of having a peer, or someone who has experienced your situation, to talk with about your struggle. It is easier to open up to a peer and learn from someone who has overcome these tough issues. Your peer will contact you daily for 105 straight days to review your progress in the program. This program for the faint in heart. There is daily work you need to complete and everything is tracked to show you are really participating in your recovery.

Weekly Online Meetings
Meet with a peer from the privacy of your own home every week over the 15 weeks of the program. Not only will you be contacted daily, but you will also meet with your peer through video chat to review your progress in the program and introduce new principles to your recovery, as well as recognizing stumbling blocks and brainstorm on specific coping skills that will help you succeed.
12 Recovery Metrics
It is like an exercise program that monitors your health, but we are monitoring your change of heart and recovery progress. This includes journaling, your relationship with a higher power, healthy relationship development, and more. This also includes four custom metrics that will be unique to you. Your peer will help you decide what they will be.

Psychological Evaluation Included
No need to pay extra for an evaluation. We provide a multiple personality and psychological assessment that helps us decide whether to assign a peer who is also a licensed therapist, maybe a social worker, or just a peer like you. This evaluation includes nine different aspects that we track, including fake answers or someone trying to look like everything is ok.
Clergy Have Free Access
Yes, we said FREE! Members of our program can allow their ecclesiastical leader to see their progress in the program 24/7 and become part of the recovery team. We will focus on the secular and you work with them on the spiritual. Clergy, the members of your congregation recieve up to a $50 discount every week if you are involved. They save $750 throughout the whole program because of you. You see, we want the clergy to be involved. The better your relationship with your higher power, the better your chances are for recovery. This is not just our opinion, it is a researched and evidenced based practice that is proven to improve recovery.

Want to keep your therapist?
Please do. In fact, include them in the recovery team at Change My Heart. They can get access to the program as well and see how you are doing. This way they can better prepare for your sessions. They can collaborate with your peer as well. Can you see how having everyone on the same page increases accountability and the effectiveness of the program? This is another reason why individuals at Change MyHeart have a higher chance of recovery.
Family Support and Betrayal Trauma Aligns
At change my heart we believe in strengthening family relationships to help combat addictive behaviors. Whether you are a user or a family member that is experienced the negative effects of addiction, we have created curricula that align together empowering Families to develop healthier relationships with each other and their higher power.

Higher Power?
While we have non-religious based curriculum, we highly encourage involving a higher power in your process of recovery or healing. We have faith-based curricula that match your specific theology. Choose yours at registration.
Don't Just Take Our Word For It
Can we really move the needle? Are we actually making a change? See what our clients are saying.

At change my heart we believe in strengthening family relationships to help combat addictive behaviors

At change my heart we believe in strengthening family relationships to help combat addictive behaviors

At change my heart we believe in strengthening family relationships to help combat addictive behaviors
Family History
Another metric we track is Family History work. Imagine what happens to an individual when they learn more about their ancestry and work at thinking about others needs and putting those needs above their own. Being able to trade their struggle with family work history has been another reason why we are so effective at Change My Heart.
how we do it
Then What Do We Do?
Below are the types of clients we work with. Each one receives services with a peer who has experienced a similar situation to yours and has overcome it. At Change My Heart we believe in high accountability, peer support, and developing resiliency. Who better to help than someone who knows personally what you have been through. Some have a difficult time relating to a therapist, BUT what if that therapist overcame addiction or betrayal trauma in their past too? Now you have a peer that you can comfortably connect.
Users of substance abuse, pornography, sex, food, social media, internet, video games, passive thinking, or co-dependency are all the types of users we help. We have experienced each of these areas personally between all the staff we have here at Change My Heart. Can you imagine what it is like to get to work every day with people like that? People who have overcome their weaknesses have learned to be more forgiving to others because they have learned we are all flawed, yet still have value. The Human Resource department love us!

Spouses are also affected by their partner's decisions. Dealing with the feelings and trauma associated with their partner's actions runs deep and can have long term negative impact on the family. That trust is lost, and it needs to be earned, not just given back. That's why our Betrayal Trauma and Family Support program works hand in hand with the user program because studies show that when couples work on their own recovery AND work together on their relationship, both are more likely to recover sooner and longer. For example, when a user opens up about their actions, it can have devastating effects on the spouse. We have the users practice sensitivity and true apologies without shirking their responsibility in all of this. At the same time, the spouse is practicing how to hear what the user has done and be able to deal with these things in a healthy way without believing some of the myths that they may think about themselves.
Parents and Teens
Is your teen a user? Maybe your teen is more of an adult now. Either way, we have a program for both of you. We also have a system in place to manage internet and game time with responsibilities in the home. Parents, your participation is vital to avoid co-dependency issues or enabling. Learn how to avoid these at Change My Heart.

Our founders were active clergy and developed this program collaborating with therapists, social workers, addicts, spouses, and sponsors. We learned that coordinating recovery with clergy improved our client's relationship with a higher power., which in turn improved recovery success rates. If the member of the congregation approves your involvement you can view all your member's progress, for free. Add members directly in your dashboard when you meet with them, Clergy continues to meet with their members and see their progress in the program so you can more effectively focus on the spiritual while we work on the secular.
For a small fee, therapists can subscribe to our program for their clients. Like the clergy users, they would be receiving the assistance of daily support and daily accountability for their clients, and they can better evaluate the next steps they can take as a mental health professional. You also get access to the client's dashboard if they permit it in their settings.

Keeping an eye on clients with a criminal background is easier with Change My Heart. You are able to see their progress in the program as ensuring they are fulfilling their duties to the court.
Lifetime Membership
An important aspect of our program is the lifetime membership you receive. By going through the whole 15-week program you earn a lifetime membership to our dashboard metrics. Keep the tools throughout your lifetime. Keep access to peer circles you develop on social media. Continue to use the journal for the rest of your life. It is our way to show how proud we are of those who succeed at Change My Heart.